JawGuard Certification Test What is a JawGuard Device? JawGuards are comfortable, discreet custom made ear inserts that can help prevent teeth grinding, clenching and treat symptoms of temporomandibular disorders (TMD) including: jaw pain, facial pain, tension headaches, ear pain, eye pain, some neck pain, and reduced ability to open your mouth. A gum shield A new occlusal splint An orthodontic appliance What is not a proposed mechanism of action? Biofeedback from the retrodiscal tissues pressing on the device? Reducing the effect of stretch receptors in the retrodiscal tissues. Pushing the head of the condyle anteriorly and inferiorly thus creating additional space in the joint capsule space. Reducing hearing capacity of the patient, thus making their life less stressful. Does the evidence suggest that JawGuard devices are faster or slower at treating TMD related complaints when compared to splints? Faster Slower Up to what percentage of patients with headaches associated with TMD will get relief from these headaches from the JawGuard device? 90 – 95% 50 – 55% 25% 0% When will JawGuard not work well? Headaches associated with TMD Myalgia associated with TMD TMD cases with pain on palpation of lateral pole of the condylar head or RDTs Headaches not associated with TMD Submit